# Maps

The Maps class provides access to the Mapbox Maps API. You can import it from either the mapbox module or the mapbox.services.maps module.


```python >>> from mapbox import Maps



```python >>> from mapbox.services.maps import Maps


See https://www.mapbox.com/api-documentation/maps/#maps for general documentation of the API.

Use of the Maps API requires an access token, which you should set in your environment. For more information, see the [access tokens](access_tokens.md) documentation.

## Maps Methods

The public methods of the Maps class provide access to the Maps API and return an instance of [requests.Response](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/#requests.Response).

## Usage: Retrieving Tiles

Instantiate Maps.

```python >>> maps = Maps()


Call the tile method, passing in values for map_id, x (column), y (row), and z (zoom level). (You may pass in individual values for x, y, and z or a Mapbox mercantile tile.) Pass in values for optional arguments as necessary - retina (double scale), file_format, style_id, and timestamp.

__x, y, and z__:

```python >>> response = maps.tile(“mapbox.streets”, 0, 0, 0)


__mercantile tile__:

```python >>> response = maps.tile(“mapbox.streets”, *mercantile.tile(0, 0, 0)) # doctest: +SKIP


Evaluate whether the request succeeded, and retrieve the tile from the response object.

```python >>> if response.status_code == 200: # doctest: +SKIP … with open(“./0.png”, “wb”) as output: … output.write(response.content)


## Usage: Retrieving Features from Mapbox Editor Projects

Instantiate Maps.

```python >>> maps = Maps()


Call the features method, passing in a value for map_id. Pass in a value for the optional argument, feature_format, as necessary.

```python >>> response = maps.features(“mapbox.streets”)


Evaluate whether the request succeeded, and retrieve the vector features from the response object. The approach will depend upon the format of the vector features.


```python >>> if response.status_code == 200: # doctest: +SKIP … features = response.json()



```python >>> if response.status_code == 200: # doctest: +SKIP … with open(“./features.kml”, “w”) as output: … output.write(response.text)


## Usage: Retrieving TileJSON Metadata

Instantiate Maps.

```python >>> maps = Maps()


Call the metadata method, passing in a value for map_id. Pass in a value for the optional argument, secure, as necessary.

```python >>> response = maps.metadata(“mapbox.streets”)


Evaluate whether the request succeeded, and retrieve the TileJSON metadata from the response object.

```python >>> if response.status_code == 200: … metadata = response.json() … >>> metadata[‘id’] ‘mapbox.streets’


## Usage: Retrieving a Standalone Marker

Instantiate Maps.

```python >>> maps = Maps()


Call the marker method, passing in a value for marker_name. Pass in values for optional arguments as necessary - label, color, and retina.

```python >>> response = maps.marker(marker_name=”pin-s”)


Evaluate whether the request succeeded, and retrieve the marker from the response object.

```python >>> if response.status_code == 200: # doctest: +SKIP … with open(“pin-s.png”, “wb”) as output: … output.write(response.content)
