Submodules¶ module¶
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to Analytics API V1
- Attributes
- api_namestr
The API’s name.
- api_versionstr
The API’s version number.
- valid_resource_typeslist
The possible values for the resource being requested.
(resource_type, username[, id, ...])Returns the request counts per day for a given resource and period.
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
- analytics(resource_type, username, id=None, start=None, end=None)¶
Returns the request counts per day for a given resource and period.
- Parameters
- resource_typestr
The resource being requested.
Possible values are “tokens”, “styles”, “tilesets”, and “accounts”.
- usernamestr
The username for the account that owns the resource.
- idstr, optional
The id for the resource.
If resource_type is “tokens”, then id is the complete token. If resource_type is “styles”, then id is the style id. If resource_type is “tilesets”, then id is a map id. If resource_type is “accounts”, then id is not required.
- start, endstr, optional
ISO-formatted start and end dates.
If provided, the start date must be earlier than the end date, and the maximum length of time between the start and end dates is one year.
If not provided, the length of time between the start and end dates defaults to 90 days.
- Returns
- requests.Response
- api_name = 'analytics'¶
- api_version = 'v1'¶
- valid_resource_types = ['tokens', 'styles', 'accounts', 'tilesets']¶ module¶
Base Service class
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Service base class
- Attributes
handle_http_errors(response, custom_messages=None, raise_for_status=False)
Converts service errors to Python exceptions.
- api_name = 'hors service'¶
- api_version = 'v0'¶
- property baseuri¶
The service’s base URI
- Returns
- str
- default_host = ''¶
- handle_http_error(response, custom_messages=None, raise_for_status=False)¶
Converts service errors to Python exceptions
- Parameters
- responserequests.Response
A service response.
- custom_messagesdict, optional
A mapping of custom exception messages to HTTP status codes.
- raise_for_statusbool, optional
If True, the requests library provides Python exceptions.
- Returns
- None
- property username¶
The username in the service’s access token
- Returns
- str
-, env=None)¶
Create an HTTP session.
- Parameters
- access_tokenstr
Mapbox access token string (optional).
- envdict, optional
A dict that subsitutes for os.environ.
- Returns
- requests.Session module¶
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to the Datasets API V1
- Attributes
- api_namestr
The API’s name.
- api_versionstr
The API’s version number.
([name, description])Creates a new, empty dataset.
(dataset)Deletes a single dataset, including all of the features that it contains.
(dataset, fid)Removes a feature from a dataset.
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
()Lists all datasets for a particular account.
(dataset[, reverse, start, limit])Lists features in a dataset.
(dataset)Retrieves (reads) a single dataset.
(dataset, fid)Retrieves (reads) a feature in a dataset.
(dataset[, name, description])Updates a single dataset.
(dataset, fid, feature)Inserts or updates a feature in a dataset.
- api_name = 'datasets'¶
- api_version = 'v1'¶
- create(name=None, description=None)¶
Creates a new, empty dataset.
- Parameters
- namestr, optional
The name of the dataset.
- descriptionstr, optional
The description of the dataset.
- Returns
- request.Response
The response contains the properties of a new dataset as a JSON object.
- delete_dataset(dataset)¶
Deletes a single dataset, including all of the features that it contains.
- Parameters
- datasetstr
The dataset id.
- Returns
- HTTP status code.
- delete_feature(dataset, fid)¶
Removes a feature from a dataset.
- Parameters
- datasetstr
The dataset id.
- fidstr
The feature id.
- Returns
- HTTP status code.
- list()¶
Lists all datasets for a particular account.
- Returns
- request.Response
The response contains a list of JSON objects describing datasets.
- list_features(dataset, reverse=False, start=None, limit=None)¶
Lists features in a dataset.
- Parameters
- datasetstr
The dataset id.
- reversestr, optional
List features in reverse order.
Possible value is “true”.
- startstr, optional
The id of the feature after which to start the list (pagination).
- limitstr, optional
The maximum number of features to list (pagination).
- Returns
- request.Response
The response contains the features of a dataset as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
- read_dataset(dataset)¶
Retrieves (reads) a single dataset.
- Parameters
- datasetstr
The dataset id.
- Returns
- request.Response
The response contains the properties of the retrieved dataset as a JSON object.
- read_feature(dataset, fid)¶
Retrieves (reads) a feature in a dataset.
- Parameters
- datasetstr
The dataset id.
- fidstr
The feature id.
- Returns
- request.Response
The response contains a GeoJSON representation of the feature.
- update_dataset(dataset, name=None, description=None)¶
Updates a single dataset.
- Parameters
- datasetstr
The dataset id.
- namestr, optional
The name of the dataset.
- descriptionstr, optional
The description of the dataset.
- Returns
- request.Response
The response contains the properties of the updated dataset as a JSON object.
- update_feature(dataset, fid, feature)¶
Inserts or updates a feature in a dataset.
- Parameters
- datasetstr
The dataset id.
- fidstr
The feature id.
If the dataset has no feature with the given feature id, then a new feature will be created.
- featuredict
The GeoJSON feature object.
This should be one individual GeoJSON feature and not a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
- Returns
- request.Response
The response contains a GeoJSON representation of the new or updated feature. module¶
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to the Directions v5 API.
- Attributes
The service’s base URI
The username in the service’s access token
(features[, profile, ...])Request directions for waypoints encoded as GeoJSON features.
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
- api_name = 'directions'¶
- api_version = 'v5'¶
- property baseuri¶
The service’s base URI
- Returns
- str
- directions(features, profile='mapbox/driving', alternatives=None, geometries=None, overview=None, steps=None, continue_straight=None, waypoint_snapping=None, annotations=None, language=None, **kwargs)¶
Request directions for waypoints encoded as GeoJSON features.
- Parameters
- featuresiterable
An collection of GeoJSON features
- profilestr
Name of a Mapbox profile such as ‘mapbox.driving’
- alternativesbool
Whether to try to return alternative routes, default: False
- geometriesstring
Type of geometry returned (geojson, polyline, polyline6)
- overviewstring or False
Type of returned overview geometry: ‘full’, ‘simplified’, or False
- stepsbool
Whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions, default: False
- continue_straightbool
Direction of travel when departing intermediate waypoints
- radiusesiterable of numbers or ‘unlimited’
Must be same length as features
- waypoint_snappinglist
Controls snapping of waypoints
The list is zipped with the features collection and must have the same length. Elements of the list must be one of:
A number (interpretted as a snapping radius)
The string ‘unlimited’ (unlimited snapping radius)
A 3-element tuple consisting of (radius, angle, range)
None (no snapping parameters specified for that waypoint)
- annotationsstr
Whether or not to return additional metadata along the route
Possible values are: ‘duration’, ‘distance’, ‘speed’, and ‘congestion’. Several annotations can be used by joining them with ‘,’.
- languagestr
Language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions, default: ‘en’
- Returns
- requests.Response
The response object has a geojson() method for access to the route(s) as a GeoJSON-like FeatureCollection dictionary.
- valid_annotations = ['duration', 'distance', 'speed']¶
- valid_geom_encoding = ['geojson', 'polyline', 'polyline6']¶
- valid_geom_overview = ['full', 'simplified', False]¶
- valid_profiles = ['mapbox/driving', 'mapbox/driving-traffic', 'mapbox/walking', 'mapbox/cycling']¶ module¶
- class'mapbox.places', access_token=None, cache=None, host=None)¶
Access to the Geocoding API V5
- Attributes
The service’s base URI
A list of valid country codes
A mapping of place type names to descriptions
The username in the service’s access token
(address[, types, lon, lat, country, ...])Returns a Requests response object that contains a GeoJSON collection of places matching the given address.
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
(lon, lat[, types, limit])Returns a Requests response object that contains a GeoJSON collection of places near the given longitude and latitude.
- api_name = 'geocoding'¶
- api_version = 'v5'¶
- property country_codes¶
A list of valid country codes
- forward(address, types=None, lon=None, lat=None, country=None, bbox=None, limit=None, languages=None)¶
Returns a Requests response object that contains a GeoJSON collection of places matching the given address.
response.geojson() returns the geocoding result as GeoJSON. response.status_code returns the HTTP API status code.
Place results may be constrained to those of one or more types or be biased toward a given longitude and latitude.
- property place_types¶
A mapping of place type names to descriptions
- precision = {'proximity': 3, 'reverse': 5}¶
- reverse(lon, lat, types=None, limit=None)¶
Returns a Requests response object that contains a GeoJSON collection of places near the given longitude and latitude.
response.geojson() returns the geocoding result as GeoJSON. response.status_code returns the HTTP API status code.
See: module¶
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to the Map Matching API V4
- Attributes
The service’s base URI
The username in the service’s access token
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
(feature[, gps_precision, profile])Match features to OpenStreetMap data.
- api_name = 'matching'¶
- api_version = 'v4'¶
- match(feature, gps_precision=None, profile='mapbox.driving')¶
Match features to OpenStreetMap data.
- valid_profiles = ['mapbox.driving', 'mapbox.cycling', 'mapbox.walking']¶ module¶
Matrix API V1
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to the Matrix API V1
- Attributes
The service’s base URI
The username in the service’s access token
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
(coordinates[, profile, sources, ...])Request a directions matrix for trips between coordinates
- api_name = 'directions-matrix'¶
- api_version = 'v1'¶
- property baseuri¶
The service’s base URI
- Returns
- str
- matrix(coordinates, profile='mapbox/driving', sources=None, destinations=None, annotations=None)¶
Request a directions matrix for trips between coordinates
In the default case, the matrix returns a symmetric matrix, using all input coordinates as sources and destinations. You may also generate an asymmetric matrix, with only some coordinates as sources or destinations:
- Parameters
- coordinatessequence
A sequence of coordinates, which may be represented as GeoJSON features, GeoJSON geometries, or (longitude, latitude) pairs.
- profilestr
The trip travel mode. Valid modes are listed in the class’s valid_profiles attribute.
- annotationslist
Used to specify the resulting matrices. Possible values are listed in the class’s valid_annotations attribute.
- sourceslist
Indices of source coordinates to include in the matrix. Default is all coordinates.
- destinationslist
Indices of destination coordinates to include in the matrix. Default is all coordinates.
- Returns
- requests.Response
- Note: the directions matrix itself is obtained by calling the
- response’s json() method. The resulting mapping has a code,
- the destinations and the sources, and depending of the
- annotations specified, it can also contain a durations matrix,
- a distances matrix or both of them (by default, only the
- durations matrix is provided).
- codestr
Status of the response
- sourceslist
Results of snapping selected coordinates to the nearest addresses.
- destinationslist
Results of snapping selected coordinates to the nearest addresses.
- durationslist
An array of arrays representing the matrix in row-major order. durations[i][j] gives the travel time from the i-th source to the j-th destination. All values are in seconds. The duration between the same coordinate is always 0. If a duration can not be found, the result is null.
- distanceslist
An array of arrays representing the matrix in row-major order. distances[i][j] gives the distance from the i-th source to the j-th destination. All values are in meters. The distance between the same coordinate is always 0. If a distance can not be found, the result is null.
- valid_annotations = ['duration', 'distance']¶
- valid_profiles = ['mapbox/driving', 'mapbox/cycling', 'mapbox/walking', 'mapbox/driving-traffic']¶ module¶
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to the Static Map API V4
- Attributes
- api_name
The service’s base URI
The username in the service’s access token
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
- api_name = None¶
- api_version = 'v4'¶
- property baseuri¶
The service’s base URI
- Returns
- str
- image(mapid, lon=None, lat=None, z=None, features=None, width=600, height=600, image_format='png256', sort_keys=False, retina=False)¶ module¶
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to the Static Map API V1
- Attributes
The service’s base URI
The username in the service’s access token
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
(username, style_id, z, x, y[, ...])/styles/v1/{username}/{style_id}/tiles/{tileSize}/{z}/{x}/{y}{@2x}
- api_name = 'styles'¶
- api_version = 'v1'¶
- image(username, style_id, lon=None, lat=None, zoom=None, features=None, pitch=0, bearing=0, width=600, height=600, retina=None, sort_keys=False, attribution=None, logo=None, before_layer=None, twox=None)¶
- tile(username, style_id, z, x, y, tile_size=512, retina=False)¶
- wmts(username, style_id)¶
-¶ module¶
The Tilequery class provides access to Mapbox’s Tilequery API.
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to Tilequery API V4
- Attributes
- api_namestr
The API’s name.
- api_versionstr
The API’s version number.
- valid_geometrieslist
The possible values for geometry.
strForms base URI.
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
(map_id[, lon, lat, radius, limit, ...])Returns data about specific features from a vector tileset.
- api_name = 'tilequery'¶
- api_version = 'v4'¶
- property base_uri¶
Forms base URI.
- tilequery(map_id, lon=None, lat=None, radius=None, limit=None, dedupe=None, geometry=None, layers=None)¶
Returns data about specific features from a vector tileset.
- Parameters
- map_idstr or list
The tileset’s unique identifier in the format
map_id may be either a str with one value or a list with multiple values.
- lonfloat
The longitude to query, where -180 is the minimum value and 180 is the maximum value.
- latfloat
The latitude to query, where -85.0511 is the minimum value and 85.0511 is the maximum value.
- radiusint, optional
The approximate distance in meters to query, where 0 is the minimum value. (There is no maximum value.)
If None, the default value is 0.
- limitint, optional
The number of features to return, where 1 is the minimum value and 50 is the maximum value.
If None, the default value is 5.
- dedupebool, optional
Whether to remove duplicate results.
If None, the default value is True.
- geometrystr, optional
The geometry type to query.
- layerslist, optional
The list of layers to query.
If a specified layer does not exist, then the Tilequery API will skip it. If no layers exist, then the API will return an empty GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
- Returns
- request.Response
The response object with a GeoJSON FeatureCollection of features at or near the specified longitude and latitude.
- valid_geometries = ['linestring', 'point', 'polygon']¶ module¶
Mapbox Uploads API
- class, host=None, cache=None)¶
Access to the Upload API V1
Example usage:
from mapbox import Uploader
u = Uploader() url = u.stage(open(‘test.tif’, ‘rb’)) job = u.create(url, ‘test1’).json()
assert job in u.list().json()
# … wait unti finished … finished = u.status(job).json()[‘complete’]
u.delete(job) assert job not in u.list().json()
- Attributes
The service’s base URI
The username in the service’s access token
(stage_url, tileset[, name, patch, bypass])Create a tileset
(upload[, account, username])Delete the specified upload
(response[, ...])Converts service errors to Python exceptions
([account, username])List of all uploads
(fileobj[, creds, callback])Stages data in a Mapbox-owned S3 bucket
(upload[, account, username])Check status of upload
(fileobj, tileset[, name, patch, ...])Upload data and create a Mapbox tileset
- api_name = 'uploads'¶
- api_version = 'v1'¶
- create(stage_url, tileset, name=None, patch=False, bypass=False)¶
Create a tileset
Note: this step is refered to as “upload” in the API docs; This class’s upload() method is a high-level function which acts like the Studio upload form.
Returns a response object where the json() contents are an upload dict. Completion of the tileset may take several seconds or minutes depending on size of the data. The status() method of this class may be used to poll the API endpoint for tileset creation status.
- Parameters
- stage_url: str
URL to resource on S3, typically provided in the response of this class’s stage() method.
- tileset: str
The id of the tileset set to be created. Username will be prefixed if not present. For example, ‘my-tileset’ becomes ‘{username}.my-tileset’.
- name: str
A short name for the tileset that will appear in Mapbox studio.
- patch: bool
Optional patch mode which requires a flag on the owner’s account.
- bypass: bool
Optional bypass validation mode for MBTiles which requires a flag on the owner’s account.
- Returns
- requests.Response
- delete(upload, account=None, username=None)¶
Delete the specified upload
- Parameters
- upload: str
The id of the upload or a dict with key ‘id’.
- usernamestr
Account username, defaults to the service’s username.
- accountstr, deprecated
Alias for username. Will be removed in version 1.0.
- Returns
- requests.Response
- list(account=None, username=None)¶
List of all uploads
Returns a Response object, the json() method of which returns a list of uploads
- Parameters
- usernamestr
Account username, defaults to the service’s username.
- accountstr, deprecated
Alias for username. Will be removed in version 1.0.
- Returns
- requests.Response
- stage(fileobj, creds=None, callback=None)¶
Stages data in a Mapbox-owned S3 bucket
If creds are not provided, temporary credentials will be generated using the Mapbox API.
- Parameters
- fileobj: file object or filename
A Python file object opened in binary mode or a filename.
- creds: dict
AWS credentials allowing uploads to the destination bucket.
- callback: func
A function that takes a number of bytes processed as its sole argument.
- Returns
- str
The URL of the staged data
- status(upload, account=None, username=None)¶
Check status of upload
- Parameters
- upload: str
The id of the upload or a dict with key ‘id’.
- usernamestr
Account username, defaults to the service’s username.
- accountstr, deprecated
Alias for username. Will be removed in version 1.0.
- Returns
- requests.Response
- upload(fileobj, tileset, name=None, patch=False, callback=None, bypass=False)¶
Upload data and create a Mapbox tileset
Effectively replicates the Studio upload feature. Returns a Response object, the json() of which returns a dict with upload metadata.
- Parameters
- fileobj: file object or str
A filename or a Python file object opened in binary mode.
- tileset: str
A tileset identifier such as ‘{owner}.my-tileset’.
- name: str
A short name for the tileset that will appear in Mapbox studio.
- patch: bool
Optional patch mode which requires a flag on the owner’s account.
- bypass: bool
Optional bypass validation mode for MBTiles which requires a flag on the owner’s account.
- callback: func
A function that takes a number of bytes processed as its sole argument. May be used with a progress bar.
- Returns
- requests.Response